A Day in the Life

Many folks ask me “WHAT CAN YOU EAT”? then, when I share that I am mostly vegan these days. Usually, this is preceded by some funny facial expressions that seem to imply that living and eating this way is restrictive, austere, and results in starving in some himalayan cave kind of situation. I have to cackle….. It just isn’t true. There is so much color, variety, and deliciousness to be found in this way of eating. I eat plenty, and I am packing a little winter buddha belly right now to prove it. Sometimes hiberating like a bear sounds very appealing in the cold season. I am getting that urge even though our NC weather is warm and throwing me off!

I am going to share a day in the life today. That’s right;  breakfast, lunch, & dinner beloveds. Some of my readers have been asking what a typical day is like, can you give me “whole meal” recipes?  Ask & you shall receive darlings.

Breakfast:  Mixed berry smoothie. Organic strawberries, blueberries, rasberries, & blackberries. All frozen because they are generally out of season. Chia seeds. Hemp seeds. A smidgeon of raw honey. A half cup of blueberry kefir. Water enough to cover berries. Dried garden lavender flowers. Calories- No need to count them.

Outing to Whole Paycheck for weekly food stuffs. Bishop must stop at the snack trough and proceed to charm them into the idea that two are better than one! All smiles over the super sale on organic oranges, & avocado’s. SCORE! Home with the booty, & out to the garden. Giddy like a child over the few random green onions growing, admist the mostly barren winter landscape. Must be from that compost……Nature is teasing me with her unpredictability.

Pause to munch some wild growing parsley by the side of the house; and back inside for lunch brigade. Feeling not only blessed…Tangible Abundance!!!!

Lunch: Black sesame rice crisps. Mango pineapple salsa. A sprout & grape tomato nest drizzled with lime juice. A handful of organic blueberries. Yummy in the tummy.

Afternoon Snack: almonds, cranberries, walnuts, rice flakes, & goji berry bits.

Dinner: Typical scenario. I need simple and scrumptious. Time is of the essence. This can be made in roughly the amount of time it takes to get fast food and it’s cheaper people! Spare yourself about a billion chemicals and additives. Black Bean Quesadillas are the answer. I start with a small amount of home-ade ghee (clarified butter), & add sprouted organic corn tortillas to skillet. I used organic black beans topped with some Daiya (vegan shredded cheese made with pea protien), cilantro, fresh jalapeno pepper diced, & a bit of red onion. I added some carrot to the skillet for about a minute, & used that to top the quesadillas then sprinkled with lime juice. Served with avocado mashed in the shell with lemon juice, salt, pepper. Garnish with gala apple wedges. I would usually serve this with salad, but tonight I chose not to.

Fridge to plate: 15 minutes or less. I am bursting to tell you- in many ways veggie life is far more efficient…….And I LOVE efficient.

LIFE IS GOOD!!!  How could it be otherwise?  We are meant to be bountiful, blissful, & beautiful!  Eat well, and suffering will diminish!

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